Parent Update 15 April 2020

Parent Update
15th April 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
School opening update – week of Monday 20th April 2020
I hope this letter finds you well in these very different and challenging times.
As I write I am waiting for the latest Government advice regarding when schools should open again. From what we can gather through the daily news it seems extremely likely that schools will remain closed from 20th April until further notice to all students except those of key workers (where both parents are key workers) and those who are considered vulnerable.
We are therefore planning to open on Monday 20th April for these groups of students only. Obviously we are doing all we can to follow the Government's guidance on staying at home and we ask parents to keep students at home where ever possible.
Nathan or I will be contacting the parents of all students who are key workers and the parents or our very vulnerable students regarding next week. If you regard yourself in this group and we haven’t contacted you by Friday morning, please email me at or call me on 07900- 366710. All places in school next week are subject to us having enough staff available to ensure students are safe.
In the meantime, I will let you know as soon as we have any further news on when school will be open again.
Stay safe.
Yours sincerely
Tom Jackson-Owens
Head teacher