Covid-19 Update
Further info re: Covid-19 testing
NHS Test and Trace: Covid-19 testing for staff, students and family members
We are working to keep everyone as safe as possible. From today, there are additional mobile testing units in our area to complement the existing regional test sites and local test sites. The NHS Test and Trace team will be testing staff, students and their family members who want to participate.
Along with the other measures we are taking, these tests will help reduce the risk of people without symptoms transmitting the virus. The test is voluntary, but I would encourage all students and family members to get tested.
All you need to do to be tested is to arrive at the mobile testing unit and register, alternatively you can book a test by visiting or by calling 119.
To reach this stage, the test has been tested at Public Health England’s research laboratories and is totally safe. Testing is free and provided by NHS Test and Trace.
What if someone tests positive?
If the result of a test is positive, everyone will need to self-isolate. For the person who has a confirmed case of Covid-19, self-isolation will be needed for 10 days, and household members for 14 days. Please inform me as soon as you receive this test result.
We will continue to support students with their education remotely. We recognise this may be disruptive for your family, but it is really important to isolate to prevent the spread of the virus. There is more advice on self-isolation at
What if the test is negative?
The household will be able resume their activities as normal. If the student is contacted due to being in close contact with another individual who has tested positive, they may need to take a repeat test, but this will also be voluntary. If they test positive, they will need to self-isolate.
We will support staff and students throughout, but please contact us if you need this information in any other language or format or if you have any questions. You can call me on 07900 – 366710
Yours sincerely
Tom Jackson-Owens