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All students who attend Lancaster School must have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which states their special educational needs and what provision must be provided for these needs. 

The main local Authorities placing students in the school are Southend-on-Sea and Essex. These local authorities monitor the effectiveness of the school’s provision through feedback from parents and the information given to them in the review of EHCP’s on how well students are achieving against their annual and Key Stage outcomes and targets.

We recognise that choosing to send your child to a Special School can be difficult and we would suggest that you first make contact with the school, on 01702 342543, to arrange a visit and to discuss your son or daughters needs with the Head Teacher.


To be admitted and to join Lancaster, parents must go through the local authority and a link can be found below. 

If you have any problems or would like any further advice and guidance, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly - just ask to speak to the Head Teacher.